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Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Stability is everything. You need a solid base to build on...

In this series on movement around the court, one term is mentioned again and again - balance. 

In How Golf Relates to Pickleball, I stated that positioning of the feet is important because "It puts the player into a balanced position. This provides more options for the player to make better shots."

In Speed Kills, Sarah Ansboury is quoted as saying "Rather than focusing on “getting to the ball”, I want you to focus on being in control.  I want you to be balanced."

In Split Step Timing, I stated "This allows me to more easily stop by planting my feet in a balanced position before hopping and pushing off for the next shot." 

In NVZ Footwork, I discussed Mark Renneson's movement as "Movement quickens the reaction to move to the next shot and allows for getting the body positioned for consistent shots by being balanced."  That post also included a description of Deb Harrison's techniques, stating "She emphasizes quick movements so the shot can be made from a balanced position without rushing it."

You should have the idea now that balance is extremely important. But let's look at one last recommendation from Sarah Ansboury on one of her favorite subjects. This is an excerpt from her article Once Again, the Answer is Balance.
For the next week, I want you to focus on balance…yours and the balance and stability of the players you watch. Make a commitment to focus on this for just one week, and I bet you will notice a difference. When you watch other players look for the following:

  • Are they out of control at the end of a rally?
  • When they must move to get to a ball, are they flailing widely to recover after they swing?
  • Are they leading with their head?
  • Do they appear stable and balanced at the non-volley zone line or are they hopping about never really getting set before they make contact with the ball?
Now when you play, I also want you to commit to analyze your own performance.

  • Did you miss a shot you shouldn’t have because you were off-balance?
  • Are you able to hold your position after the ball leaves your paddle, or are you falling or listing to one side?
  • Are you able to stop and maintain your position, whatever it is, at the end of a point?  If you do, are you in a good stable position?
    • Is your paddle in front of you?
    • Are your feet at least shoulder width apart?  On the balls of your feet?
    • Are you set?  Are you stable?  Are you balanced? 

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