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Saturday, February 11, 2017

3 Rules Questions to the RV Picklers - Part 2

Rules are a useful guideline...

Over a 2-week period, the RV Picklers answered rules questions from their readers. This is the second part.

Our last post on pickleball rules prompted a lot of comments. And many of the comments were, in fact, questions about other rules. So today, we answer more reader’s pickleball rules questions.

Reader’s Question: If you are playing a match to 11 and change sides at 6, and the match continues past 12-11 or even 18-17, do you change sides again?

The short answer is “no”. Once you have changed sides whether it be at 6 in the third game to 11, or at 8 points in the consolation bracket during a game to 15, or at 11 in a game to 21;  you do not change sides again. The pickleball rule book states the following:
5.C.3.  Sides will be switched in a third game (if the match is 2 out of 3 games) after the first team reaches a score of 6 points. Serve remains with the player holding serve.
5.C.4.  In games to 15, sides will be switched after the first team reaches a score of 8 points. Serve remains with the player holding serve.
5.C.5.  In games to 21, sides will be switched after the first team reaches a score of 11 points. Serve remains with the player holding serve.
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