
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ball Picker-Upper

Using a ball machine is great because it gives a player the opportunity to hit a large number of balls in succession. This helps to develop the muscle memory needed to take the stroke into game play. But it also creates an aggravating problem - how to get all of those balls off the court and back into a hopper. Steve Paranto and Pickleball Channel have an idea for an inexpensive solution in their video Gear Talk: Ball Picker-Upper with Steve Paranto.


  1. Where did you get the 3 1/2 inch PVC? I'm having trouble finding that size. Thanks

    1. I made my own out of 3" pipe I found at either Lowes or Home Depot. I showed the picker-upper in my post Product Review: Pickleball Pic dated September 23, 2017.
